Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our new blog!

Dear Reader,
Thanks for stopping in and checking out our spanking new blog.

The intent is to show off our most recent vintage finds. A precursor to what will eventually be on our etsy site.

We love finding things that are in prime condition, but we sometimes fall in love with delicious one of a kind pieces that need a little TLC.

Every piece is inspected for condition issues. If we can overcome them we soldier on!

This is the tricky part. Mending and altering and tailoring and reworking takes time. Although there is nothing Molly loves more than a living room overwhelmed by a vintage mending pile, it can sometimes take a while to get to and then plow through said pile/ basket/refrigerator box of mending.

This will also be an opportunity for you to start a convo on a piece. If there is something that catches your eye say so! We will pop it to the top of the list and even create a listing especially for you!

Now, let's get started! I had a full day of shunning responsibility and throwing caution to the wind!

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