SecondHand Addiction, as a business name, is both an attempt at a clever play on words and an admission of a problem that the two partners, Molly & Marion (me) share. Isn't the first step in the road to recovery admitting that you have a problem?! This addiction is something very few talk about. The symptoms are clear and so here are a few of the signs that you have a problem:
- You have 10 minutes to kill before having to be somewhere - you end up at a thrift store for "just a couple of minutes." You are always late,
- Yard Sales and Church sales are hard to drive by - Estate Sales; impossible!
- You hear yourself saying "I could sell this" and "these cost $20 brand new" and "If I just cut a little off" and "I could get that stain out" all to justify a purchase of a useless item that you can't live without,
- Your closets, drawers, garage, yards, storage unit and even your car are littered with the above mentioned items that you will find a use for/fit into one day,
- You get a physical high that is better than any drug when you find an item that fits, is your style, is the plate that completes the set, etc. (recent example: a hand crocheted 120" white cotton tablecloth - mint condition for $8),
- In spite of etiquette dictating the opposite, when you get a compliment, you proudly announce what you paid for the subject of the admiration, where you got it, and if you know, who owned it before you,
- When traveling, you visit thrift stores in other cities,
- Even though you live in a city with one of the most moderate winter's in the US, half your closet is filled with vintage coats,
- You call on the free items listed in Craigslist and Freecycle, even though you don't need the stuff. It's free!!
- When shopping, if you happen to see something fabulous in someone's cart/pile, you are tempted to liberate it from them, because nobody could appreciate the worth of a vintage item like you can. (If you actually do liberate the item, you should seek immediate help!)
I am grateful for my family and the support they give me in my problem; I have to shop for clothes, housewares, school supplies, yard implements, etc. for 4 people, not just one. If not for the
Etsy shop I would have one of those houses that require a roll-off dumpster to clear out when I die, but I would prefer a giant estate sale, where all my coats can go to a good Arizona home.